How would you rate Hunter TAFE?

Would you like to help us to improve the learning experience for students at Hunter TAFE? We’d like your feedback! Please complete the survey on the Library website.

ASQA survey cropped and highlighted

+ Click on picture to view larger version

O-Day at Newcastle Campus: 21 July 2016

O-Day will be held from 11am – 1pm, in the S Block courtyard at Newcastle Campus.

Join us for a BBQ and find out about Hunter TAFE support services such as the Aboriginal Learning Circle, Careers Counselling, Disabilities and Library Services.

O Day 21 July


Hints & Tips: Avoid fake Pokémon Go apps to protect your information

The Stay Smart Online Alert Service has issued a warning about a fake version of the Pokémon Go app targeting Android, and is reminding users to only install apps from official app stores.

The full details and other online safety updates are available here: