ClickView online videos

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Access more than 2000 educational videos using ClickView on the library website at

Browse subject collections, or search by title. There are 6 collections for TAFE course areas: Arts & Recreation, Business, Foundation Skills, Health, Natural Resources and Technology.

Login with your TAFE username and password, which you can get from your Library or Student Administration. If you need help with ClickView ask your Campus Library or Ask Us online!

Access online on your mobile or tablet!

Find eJournals: an easy way to find journal articles!

Full Text Finder logo

Find eJournals (also called Full Text Finder) helps you check if journals or magazines are available on our databases. This can be useful if you have a journal reference and you want to find out if the full text article is available to read online, save or print.

How to get to Find eJournals:

  • Go to the Hunter TAFE Library eResources page:
  • Search for Find eJournals or select it under ‘F’ on the alphabetical list.
  • When you locate a full text journal, you will need to enter your TAFE username and password to log into the database to find articles.


Here’s an example of how to use Find eJournals:

In this example we are looking for the journal Australasian Science:

1. If you know the exact journal title, start typing in the search box and the search window will start to show a list of similar titles that you can select from.

Journal Search

+ click on the picture to view a larger version

2. If you aren’t sure of the journal title, you can browse by title or subject instead of searching.

Search by subject

+ click on the picture to view a larger version

3. Click on the Journal Title to view availability. The results list shows that Australasian Science is available on the Proquest Central database for articles dated 1998 to present.

Journal Search Results

+ click on the picture to view a larger version

4. Click on the Database Title to log in with your TAFE username and password. Click to continue, and when the database opens you can then search for articles within the journal.

Login screen

+ click on the picture to view a larger version


For more help with Find eJournals:

If you would like help finding eJournals and using databases, or need to get your TAFE username & password, please ask at your campus library or Ask Us online!


Welcome to term 2 // How to get your TAFE ID card, username & password.

Welcome back to TAFE for another term!

Do you have your TAFEcard yet?

Most students will now be able to get a TAFEcard from your campus Customer Service Centre or some Hunter TAFE libraries. Remember, if you have been to TAFE and received a card within the last 5 years, you can continue to use your old one!

It is important that all students get a TAFEcard so that you can print, borrow from the library, get your travel concession and have a TAFE ID for exams and off site assessments.

TAFEcard example

Remember to get your TAFE username and password too!

Library email notices

Your campus library or Customer Service Centre can also help you to get your TAFE username and password. This is important for easy access to TAFE computers and online services. You will also have a TAFE email address you can use to receive library notices as an alternative to mail. If you lose your log in details we can also reset your password while you are enrolled.


You can find out more about TAFE library services for students here: